Coat Color and Eye Color are not assessed in the breed standard and are therefore not characteristics that are bred for.
No emphasis should be put on either characteristic as being superior to another. It will come down to your personal preference in the end.
Jet Black: Guard coat is solid black; the individual guard hair is monochrome (not banded) black from root to tip. Single white hairs appear occasionally. The undercoat is black or more frequently dark gray. The jet-black coat is frequently accompanied by great depth of black pigment on pads and roof of mouth.
Black: Guard hairs are banded with some amount of white near roots. Single white guard hairs appear more frequently. Undercoat may be lighter than is seen in the jet-black coat while some buff-colored hairs may be found in the lower stifle and in the vicinity of the ears. Gives the impression of having a black and white coat but without the depth of pigmentation found in the jet black and white coat. Black Chukchi Sled Dogs may produce any color within their progeny.
Dilute Black: Guard hairs are banded with the whitish cast extending substantially from the root and tipped with black. Undercoat has a whitish cast, Dogs appear to be black on head and along spine while shorter guard coat along flanks produces a silver effect.
Gray: The guard hair is banded with cream and or buff tones near the root with black tipping. The light undercoat is toned to give the dog a yellowish-gray cast. Grey is the most common of all the Chukchi Sled Dog colors and gray Chukchi Sled Dogs may produce any color with his progeny.
Wolf Gray: The guard hair is banded with buff tones near the root with black tipping. The cream tones of the undercoat combine to give the dog a brownish-gray cast. Can have casts of beige, tan, yellow or red behind the ears, above the hocks, and in the saddle area.
Silver Gray: Guard hair is banded with various tones of white and minimal black tipping. The undercoat is of a whitish cast. The effect produced is a silver-shade of gray on head, back and flacks with only a minimal darkening along the spine. No red or yellow hair is intermixed.
Red and White: Always associated with liver points (nose, lips and eye rims) and complete absence of black hairs. Light, medium and dark may be specified, determined by the amount of solid color banding on guard hair. Will usually possess either Amber or Blue eyes or a combination of the two (bi-eyed, part colored). Almost always two reds bred together produce red or white puppies.
Agouti: The guard hair is banded with black near the root and at the tip with a yellow or beige band at the center of the hair. Undercoat is very dark. This is also called the 'wild color. The white markings are always cream; the mask is always 'dark with a strip'. Progeny may be of any color. The points are usually exceptionally black and often associated with black nails and very stiff black whiskers.
Sable and White: The guard hair is banded with a reddish cast near the root with black tipping. Undercoat is reddish-copper. Always accompanied by black points. Some sables are born almost wolf gray and the red tones deepened with age.
Pure White: The guard hair appears to be either monochrome (not banded) or banded with pale cream tinges at the root of an otherwise white hair. An occasional black hair may appear. The undercoat is solid white. Points may be black or liver; standard allow flesh colored points in all white Chukchi Sled Dogs. Progeny may be of any color.
White and Black, Gray, or Red Piebald: Basically white dog with piebald markings with color being restricted to the saddle, ears, face, center of tail and rump but not necessarily in all these places. Undercoat is always white but guard coat may be banded or monochrome
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